Whether it’s small incremental updates or a complete network overbuild, the broadband funding you receive can change the entire landscape of what you are able to offer the communities you serve. Putting together a plan for the next ten years to use your funding in the most effective way possible is paramount.
We offer a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experts to get you started down the right path because we recognize this importance: no obligation and no cost to you.
Let us help you decide what to do with your funding, whether it's the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF), Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD), Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES), or American Rescue Plan (ARP) act.
Conduct a network assessment to see exactly what pieces of your network need the most attention. An assessment will help you be efficient and cost-effective in your strategy, whether you’re building a greenfield ISP or enhancing a thriving network.
The results are in! Let's go over your network assessment with a fine-tooth comb and begin moving forward with a data-centric plan of action. Fiber? Hybridized? HFC? Should we discuss security? Our experts will help you see it all the way through to completion to ensure your success.
After the assessment, we'll enter the design stage. Your solution isn't going to create itself! By leveraging our in-house design and engineering team to draw up the blueprints for your network, you will have every specification and data point on the roadmap, aligned specifically to your needs.
Ready to deploy? Let's do it! Despite 60 years of building networks, local construction teams can help reduce keep costs and keep your network on budget. We love that! Our experts typically assume a project management role and stick close by during the implementation process. Seamless deployment helps prove the importance of a well-built solution.
Your network is humming, new customers are streaming in, and all systems are a go! But how are you keeping track of everything? How are you monitoring and surveilling your network? How are you being proactive for your end users and preventing outages? By monitoring and optimizing your new solution through a network operations center (NOC) and giving your end users 24/7 support through a contact center, your company will be beating your competitors on wait times, first-call resolution, and customer experience will live up to those 5-stars you’re earning! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
No two solutions are alike, and yours is no different. Leverage our entirely in-house design team to create the blueprints of the network you and your customers deserve.
Working hand in hand with our design team, engineering leverages our 60+ years of experience in solution creation to bring to you a plan detailing exactly how we will bring your network to life.
The last step to implementing your new solution; construction. Although we have a history of constructing the networks we design and engineer, we now tend to leverage outside firms nearer to our customers to reduce cost. Don’t worry, though; we remain close by in a project management role to ensure your solution is implemented seamlessly.
Learn how you can maximize your current HFC investment and enable your new fiber deployment’s full capability simultaneously.
Watch as Stu Lahti and Chad Kay break down precisely what you need to consider as you hybridize your network.
Cory Heigl, Vice President of our service provider, Astrea, explains how we use fiber technologies to help provide a rural tribal community the broadband service they need. This project is just starting, so be sure to follow along on our social channels to stay updated on the build’s progress.
When CCI is part of your journey, our goal is to reach the summit and achieve your goals. We look forward to hearing from you and working toward your future.